What’s the issue with you and Stanley Acho?
He is my boyfriend and I wonder how our affair took this
dimension beca
use he was someone I loved and trusted with all my life. He knows
everything about me and we had a fantastic relationship. I met him last year,
precisely in September when my account officer took me to his bank, Stretchout
Finance to collect a loan. I met him there and he appeared nice and helpful, I
collected a loan of 2.5 million naira which I paid back. It was on the day I
took the loan that he started calling me. I was even surprised how he got my
number not until I realised that it took it from the form I filled to apply for
loan in his bank.
Later I went to the bank again and collected a loan of
2.5million naira which I also paid back, the records are there and he and some
of his staffers could attest to it.
How did your affair start?
I told you how he copied my number from the form and he
started calling me, from there we became friends and started dating. He was
always in my house, everybody know us together because we used to go out
together a lot, even to the market and clinics where they’ve been calling me
‘Iyawo Ibo’ (Ibo’s wife) so I was surprised when he changed suddenly and was
denying everything.
What do you think was the reason for his sudden change?
It’s a long story. Like I said that we started dating, into
our relationship he told me how he wanted me to bear him a son, that his wife
bore him two daughters and that his custom demands him to have a male child.
Were you not in any relationship when you met him?
I wasn’t in any relationship, though I have a ten-year-old
girl who lives abroad. As I was saying he told me how happy he would be if I
could bear him a male child. This took us to different clinics and laboratories
where we went to have tests because he told me he needed a child and that we
shouldn’t be having unprotected sex. He was all over me and they gave us a drug
to cleanse our system in case of any infection, he even told me his wife was also taking from
the medication.
Did the wife know about your affair?
She didn’t. We continued our relationship and I got
pregnant, but when I became pregnant he started acting funny and referred to an
incident and pleaded with me to abort the pregnancy.
What incident was that?
Not really an incident, he just begged me to abort that he
had some issues he couldn’t disclose and I agreed. After the abortion we
continued our relationship and along the line he promised to help me with my
business, I import and sell clothes and shoes and he said he wanted to give me
money for my business but that he couldn’t give me cash because his wife, Elizabeth Stan-Acho is a Director in the bank
though she still works with First Bank, but that she is a signatory to the bank
account and that he couldn’t give me any money without her knowing, so he
deplored a means and told me to apply for a loan with a promise that he would
pay the interests on it till he has the money to pay back the loan. He would
even use my phone to send a text to his phone explaining about the money which
he said he wanted to show his wife as a proof that it was a loan.
How much was that?
The first loan was 3million naira which I collected in
January and in February he told me to collect the second loan which was
1.5million naira. He paid the interests on the loan and everything was going
fine till I got pregnant the second time. I had always warned him that we
should be having protected sex because of what happened the first time, but he
told me he now trusted me and did not heed my warning till I got pregnant again,
that was when the trouble started. When I told him I was pregnant again he
flared up and asked me to get rid of the pregnancy, when I reminded him that he
said he wanted a male child he said he realised his wife would kill him if he
gets to know and he was pleading that I should understand that his wife is a
Director in all his business and that it could become a problem but resisted
because my Doctor has warned me not to have an abortion again because of my age
and my body system. I pleaded with him to let me keep the baby, I even told him
that I can relocate abroad and raise the baby that I just didn’t want to risk
my life, but he didn’t listen and he started threatening me every day that he
would get rid of me the way he had been getting rid of others that tried to
block his way. From there any little thing I do he would beat me up, he was
always finding faults and beating me at any little excuse and he was still
sleeping with me. There was also a time that he didn’t pay all the required
interest and when his staff, Victoria called me I told her to talk to her boss,
he was so furious that he slapped me asking me why I had to tell Victoria to
ask him, he later paid the money and sent me a text to send to Victoria that I
mistakenly paid into the wrong account.
Why did you allow that?
He is charmful and he knows how to have his way. He could
beg me for two hours if he wanted to have sex with me.
How did you now get to the police station?
He was beating me constantly and there was a time that I
suspected he was up to something evil that I decided to run for my dear life. I
travelled to the United Kingdom and we agreed he would pick me at the airport
on my way back, but when I got in about 4:30am and I called him he said he
would come and he didn’t show up or called till 9am. Luckily I saw a neighbour who came to pick his wife
and I joined their car and came home with them. When I got home I noticed he
had entered the house and took everything he bought for me, the only things he
forgot was the teddy bear, card and dress he bought for me on valentine because
he didn’t know where I kept them. When he came I told him that the house was
burgled and he pretended as if he didn’t hear, later I confronted him and asked
why he came into my house to take things without telling me and he said he was
the one that bought the items he took from me.
Were you living together?
No, but he was always in my place. He would leave his home
at Ajah and got to my house in Shangisha by 6a.m. Even his Driver, Fiston was
like my official driver. There was a time his mechanic damaged my car, so he
assigned his driver to pick me to and from work, his travel takes me everywhere
whenever I was travelling. We had a serious affair that most times he even put
me on the phone to talk to his mother who lives in America, even his little
daughters I always spoke with them on phone when he was home and his wife
wasn’t there. I have evidence of all these on my phone as text messages and my
call-records. To cut the story short, I was coming from work one evening and
some area boys blocked my way and was talking to me roughly and saying ‘you
better terminate that pregnancy or we kick it out for you’, I was scared and
told him when I got home but he didn’t say anything and that was when I
realised I was in big trouble.
Were you the one that reported to the police?
Yes, I reported at the Zone 2 police headquarters after a
meeting with my family, they were the one that encouraged me to go to the
police and I did that when his staff and partner were harassing me to pay up
the loan. I called and begged him endlessly to fulfil his promise and call his
staff to order but he said I must get rid of the pregnancy first and that was
when I went to report at the Police station.
But he claimed you always beg him to sleep with you and that
you raped him many times?
How can that ever happen? Do you know him? Compare his
stature with mine, do I look like someone that can overpower and force him to
sex? Can you imagine someone leaving his home at Ajah coming to my house
everyday in Shangisha where I would be raping him? Is there sense in that? Rape
him for what? I was even surprised when I asked him at the police station if I
raped him and he said yes.
He claimed whenever he asked for the repayment of the loan
that you always pull his pants?
How logical was that? We had a relationship for close to
eight months. See the proofs are there and I need you to ask him and his wife
where he was on February 13th, it was a day to valentine and he was
with me, his driver took me to make my hair and fix my nails because he said he
wouldn’t want to raise suspicion by spending valentine with me, and on
valentine he was here at night, we even went for dinner at Fourpoint hotel and
he didn’t leave till 12pm, let his wife verify that, he bought me a card, a
teddy bear, a cup and cake. I really don’t want to talk, this is someone that I
have his nude pictures on my phone, I can show you all these as proofs, so he
shouldn’t be talking rubbish by saying I raped him. Rape who? Do I look like a
pauper? I’m old enough to take care of the child and would come back to sort
the child’s paternity.
What exactly do you want from him?
I want my safety, nothing should happen to me. I’ve
petitioned the Inspector General of Police and the Director of SSS over that.
Again I want to put straight the paternity of my child, I didn’t impregnate
myself and lastly he should be man enough to tell the truth about the loan he
tricked me to take.
Since all these happened have you tried to reach him to sort
things with him?
He wasn’t forthcoming, he even told me I shouldn’t threaten
him that his wife and his Pastors at Foursquare know about everything already
and he threatened my lawyer that he would arrest me with EFCC, I’m waiting for
that because I know this is a civil environment, I have also lodged complaint
with the public defender and they are looking into the matter.
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